November 24, 2021

A Slow Holiday Toast

The holiday season hasn’t always been my favorite. There were years when I felt alone, lost, or frustrated with my circumstances — all of which felt so contrary to the shiny, glitzy, happy themes of these weeks.

But my perspective has changed over the past few years. I still enjoy the twinkle of it all, but like all experiences, if approached with intention, it can be much more meaningful than what’s on the surface.

One way you might spark that deeper experience is to start your meals with a toast/reading/blessing — a way to travel into your time with friends and family with a shared word of kindness and community.

Below, we’ve written something brief that you can print or share. We’ll be using it in our homes and we hope you find it useful in yours, too. If you use it, we’d love to hear from you.

In any case, know that we’re sending you our very best this week and always.

A Slow Holiday Toast / Blessing / Reading

Before you begin, ask everyone to fill a glass. Let them know that you will read a series of short sentences and then invite them to take a collective, deep breath after each one. After the last deep breath, we'll raise our glasses.

To the parts of ourselves that crave connection,
may we feel satisfied.

[Deep Breath]

To the people who have loved us,
may we reciprocate and share their love.

[Deep Breath]

To those whose land we stand upon,
may we honor their story and their ancestors.

[Deep Breath]

To the experiences that have shaped us,
may we remember their lessons.

[Deep Breath]

To the families who raised us,
may we continue their generosity.

[Deep Breath]

To the teachers who’ve taught us,
may we heed their advice.

[Deep Breath]

And to the days and moments ahead,
may our gratitude ever increase.

[Deep Breath]

Raise & clink your glasses — add a cheer, a hug, or anything else that feels right in the moment.

The Spark You’ve Been Looking For

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