Reestablishing Healthy Dynamics for a Distributed Team

The Challenge

A distributed design team for a global technology platform wanted to regroup in-person for the first time since 2020. With several new team members, new leadership, and varied ways of working and communicating, the team leader needed the gathering to increase trust amongst the larger department and provide employees with shared language and ways of working, especially around solving problems and hosting difficult conversations.

Our Solution

Ei designed and delivered a full-day in-person offsite to focus on developing deeper connections between team members through building an understanding of how to establish psychological safety. Through activities and discussions, participants examined their own team dynamics, spent time developing more meaningful relationships with each other, and committed to future actions to foster a healthier, more productive team. The offsite also engaged participants in a Design Thinking process sprint and provided space to apply the process to current projects and methods of working.

Workshop Outcomes

“[I’m going to focus on] being more intentional about making work seem like a safe space for feedback and differing opinions.” During the workshop, participants were able to reflect on current barriers to a real sense of psychological safety on their teams and then identified potential strategies to overcome them, leaving each individual with a personalized plan to contribute to a healthier workplace. Many participants reported the focus on and practice in building psychological safety encouraged them to forge deeper connections with their colleagues. The offsite gave the group a shared vision of a larger team culture and the steps to actualize it.

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